

发表时间: 2019-07-28 10:33


田玉青玉和和碧玉手镯(收于2019年)此和田玉青玉和碧玉手镯,料子油润光滑,做工细致精美,放在手上很压手。曾听到有这样一种说法:和田青玉与碧玉没有本质的区分,只是概念上的区别,尤其是色深的青玉与色深的碧玉;色深的青玉内含有致色元素铁,呈现出青绿色调,在强光的照射下,有一种黄绿或灰色的光晕;色深的碧玉内部主要含有致色元素铬,因此颜色会呈现鲜艳的绿色。 This Hetian Jade Qingyu and Jasper bracelet has smooth material and exquisite workmanship. It is very pressing on the hand. It has been said that there is no essential distinction between Hetian Qingyu and Jasper, but only a conceptual distinction, especially between deep-colored Qingyu and deep-colored Jasper; deep-colored Qingyu contains the chromogenic element iron, showing a blue-green tone, under the strong light, there is a yellow-green or gray halo; deep-colored Jasper interior. It mainly contains chromium, so the color will be bright green.